KJ-011分體式地毯抽洗機 酒店清潔
快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 |
快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 分體式地毯抽洗機是酒店目目、賓館、酒樓等地毯較多場所的*設備,對地毯的清潔,維護起到十分顯著的效果,適用于各種大小面積地毯的深層清潔。分體式設計,適用于不同面積的地毯清洗。即使在小客房也能靈活操作;采用高噴水泵將清潔劑均勻地噴射到地毯底部,更*地清除深層污漬和保護地毯;按需調節(jié)滾刷高度,將地毯里的污漬,泥沙清洗更*;進口抽吸電機,強勁吸力,抽干地毯水份。噴水,滾刷,污水90%以上吸收同步進行,令地毯更快干燥。 KJ-011 split carpet cleaning machine is pumping head head ho, hos, restaurants and other places of choice for carpet more equipment, carpet cleaning, maintenance, play a very significant effect, the size of area for a variety of deep carpet cleaning. Split design for different areas of carpet cleaning. Even in small rooms can also be flexible operation; using high-pressure jet pumps to spray the cleaner evenly to the bottom of the carpet, a more thorough way to remove deep stains and protect the carpet; demand adjust roller height, the carpet stains, cleaning sediment more compley; import suction motor, strong suction, pumping water carpet. Spray, roller, water absorption of more than 90% simultaneously, so that the carpet faster drying. KJ-011 |
快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 |
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快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 分體式地毯抽洗機是酒店目目、賓館、酒樓等地毯較多場所的*設備,對地毯的清潔,維護起到十分顯著的效果,適用于各種大小面積地毯的深層清潔。分體式設計,適用于不同面積的地毯清洗。即使在小客房也能靈活操作;采用高噴水泵將清潔劑均勻地噴射到地毯底部,更*地清除深層污漬和保護地毯;按需調節(jié)滾刷高度,將地毯里的污漬,泥沙清洗更*;進口抽吸電機,強勁吸力,抽干地毯水份。噴水,滾刷,污水90%以上吸收同步進行,令地毯更快干燥。 KJ-011 split carpet cleaning machine is pumping head head ho, hos, restaurants and other places of choice for carpet more equipment, carpet cleaning, maintenance, play a very significant effect, the size of area for a variety of deep carpet cleaning. Split design for different areas of carpet cleaning. Even in small rooms can also be flexible operation; using high-pressure jet pumps to spray the cleaner evenly to the bottom of the carpet, a more thorough way to remove deep stains and protect the carpet; demand adjust roller height, the carpet stains, cleaning sediment more compley; import suction motor, strong suction, pumping water carpet. Spray, roller, water absorption of more than 90% simultaneously, so that the carpet faster drying. KJ-011 |
快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 |
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快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 分體式地毯抽洗機是酒店目目、賓館、酒樓等地毯較多場所的*設備,對地毯的清潔,維護起到十分顯著的效果,適用于各種大小面積地毯的深層清潔。分體式設計,適用于不同面積的地毯清洗。即使在小客房也能靈活操作;采用高噴水泵將清潔劑均勻地噴射到地毯底部,更*地清除深層污漬和保護地毯;按需調節(jié)滾刷高度,將地毯里的污漬,泥沙清洗更*;進口抽吸電機,強勁吸力,抽干地毯水份。噴水,滾刷,污水90%以上吸收同步進行,令地毯更快干燥。 KJ-011 split carpet cleaning machine is pumping head head ho, hos, restaurants and other places of choice for carpet more equipment, carpet cleaning, maintenance, play a very significant effect, the size of area for a variety of deep carpet cleaning. Split design for different areas of carpet cleaning. Even in small rooms can also be flexible operation; using high-pressure jet pumps to spray the cleaner evenly to the bottom of the carpet, a more thorough way to remove deep stains and protect the carpet; demand adjust roller height, the carpet stains, cleaning sediment more compley; import suction motor, strong suction, pumping water carpet. Spray, roller, water absorption of more than 90% simultaneously, so that the carpet faster drying. KJ-011 |
快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 |
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快捷分體式地毯抽洗機 分體式地毯抽洗機是酒店目目、賓館、酒樓等地毯較多場所的*設備,對地毯的清潔,維護起到十分顯著的效果,適用于各種大小面積地毯的深層清潔。分體式設計,適用于不同面積的地毯清洗。即使在小客房也能靈活操作;采用高噴水泵將清潔劑均勻地噴射到地毯底部,更*地清除深層污漬和保護地毯;按需調節(jié)滾刷高度,將地毯里的污漬,泥沙清洗更*;進口抽吸電機,強勁吸力,抽干地毯水份。噴水,滾刷,污水90%以上吸收同步進行,令地毯更快干燥。 KJ-011 split carpet cleaning machine is pumping head head ho, hos, restaurants and other places of choice for carpet more equipment, carpet cleaning, maintenance, play a very significant effect, the size of area for a variety of deep carpet cleaning. Split design for different areas of carpet cleaning. Even in small rooms can also be flexible operation; using high-pressure jet pumps to spray the cleaner evenly to the bottom of the carpet, a more thorough way to remove deep stains and protect the carpet; demand adjust roller height, the carpet stains, cleaning sediment more compley; import suction motor, strong suction, pumping water carpet. Spray, roller, water absorption of more than 90% simultaneously, so that the carpet faster drying. KJ-011 |
KJ-011 split carpet cleaning machine is pumping head head ho, hos, restaurants and other places of choice for carpet more equipment, carpet cleaning, maintenance, play a very significant effect, the size of area for a variety of deep carpet cleaning. Split design for different areas of carpet cleaning. Even in small rooms can also be flexible operation; using high-pressure jet pumps to spray the cleaner evenly to the bottom of the carpet, a more thorough way to remove deep stains and protect the carpet; demand adjust roller height, the carpet stains, cleaning sediment more compley; import suction motor, strong suction, pumping water carpet. Spray, roller, water absorption of more than 90% simultaneously, so that the carpet faster drying.
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